traveling with child

The more we see of the world, both locally and internationally, the better off we will be in terms of our physical and mental health. For instance, it can relieve the tension that you’re under and provide a much-needed vacation from the “boring” existence that you lead virtually every day.


When you take a trip with your family, it can be a great opportunity to enhance the connection that exists between all of the members of the group. However, what are some things you should keep in mind when traveling with a child who has autism?

Let’s find out.

Why Does Traveling With Someone Who Has Autism Present So Many Challenges?

Even for someone who is in relatively good health, travel of any kind may be fairly taxing on the body. It requires a significant amount of planning, an examination of available resources, and a great deal more.

However, when it comes to a person who has autism, the course of difficulty becomes significantly different. This is the primary reason why people are so resistant to leaving their home and traveling somewhere else.

Anxiety: The majority of youngsters who have autism have a tendency to suffer anxiety on a regular basis. Now, if you go somewhere new, you open yourself up to the possibility of a great number of unplanned occurrences. The use of particular drugs and supplements that help calm people’s anxieties can be of assistance in this regard.

Navigation: An autistic person’s general navigation skillset may be considered to be somewhat subpar. If you are not there with them, it may be difficult for them to locate a place to stay (like the hotel where you are currently residing, for instance). They can experience an increased level of anxiety as a result of it.

Autism is characterized by a lack of knowledge of control, particularly in relation to the individual’s own body. Those affected by autism have impaired spatial awareness. As a result, they are able to frequently interfere with the movement of others and stand in the way of others without even realizing it. In some larger social circles, it could not be considered appropriate.

Advice for Traveling With Someone Who Has Autism

It can be challenging to make the flying experience less stressful for someone, especially when that person is as anxious as a youngster with autism. As a result, in this part of the article, we will provide some pointers on how you and your child might have a more enjoyable time while traveling together.

1. Construct a narrative for social media.

You may try writing a social narrative about the trip for your child while you are getting ready for the vacation or while you are packing your bags. Share where you intend to go, the exciting activities you have in store for when you get there, and your thoughts on how safe the location is. It has the potential to assist them in feeling a little less anxious about the move to the new site.

2. Mark the date on a calendar and get it ready to go.

In the weeks leading up to the excursion, affix a calendar to your child’s bedroom wall and instruct them to check off each day until the vacation. In turn, this will help them feel the sensation of following a routine, which in turn will make them feel much more comfortable with the trip.

3. Pre-Pack Snacks

Even if you are traveling by automobile, it is conceivable that you will not be able to locate the foods that are your child’s favorites. Therefore, if you want to reduce the amount of bother involved, you should pack some snacks and meals at least one day before you go for your trip. If you have the option, put them in a different bag. If your kid is picky about what they eat, you might want to bring along a dietary supplement to make sure they get all the essential nutrients they need to maintain a cheerful disposition.

4. Do not wash any items that provide comfort.

If the soft toy or blanket your child adores most does not have a strong odor, you do not need to worry about washing it before your trip. Traveling on an airline can be an intimidating experience for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for autistic children. Therefore, having anything with a scent that reminds them of home can help them remain calm.

5. Exercise Before Departure

When traveling by automobile or flight, passengers may be required to remain seated for extended periods of time and maintain a quiet demeanor. Make sure to encourage your youngster to get some physical activity if you don’t want them to experience any discomfort as a result of their pent-up energy. Even just bouncing on a trampoline for a quarter of an hour can be beneficial.

Questions That Are Frequently Asked (FAQs):

In this part of the article, we will respond to a few questions that you might be thinking about at this point. Therefore, read on until you reach the conclusion.

1. When traveling by car, how do autistic people handle the experience?

Planning beforehand is essential if you are going to take your child on a trip, regardless of whether you will be driving or flying. Check to see that there aren’t any unneeded pauses in the process. In addition, don’t forget to explain the strategy to your child, so that they don’t feel like they’re missing out on anything.

2. In what ways are airlines making it easier for people with autism to travel?

A good number of airlines have already begun instituting a “family room” component into their operations. In addition to that, there is a space that was created specifically to have a relaxing influence on whoever chooses to sit there.

You may also find an actual airplane cabin these days, where you and your child can practice going through the boarding process together.


This is the part of the article where we will wrap things up. In the event that you do have any questions concerning the matter in question, please do not hesitate to share them with us. We will get back to them as quickly as we possibly can.

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