travel companies in Michigan

You’ve reached the point where you’re ready to select a corporate travel management company in Michigan, but you’re not quite sure how to go about selecting the best service provider for your needs. As a travel manager who is looking for the best corporate travel management companies in Michigan, you have probably discovered that there are dozens of options available to you as a result of your research.

It’s possible that you’re considering using a brick-and-mortar corporate travel service in your area because of their accessibility to travel consultants and close proximity to your location. However, it is not always the case that a local business travel provider is the most cost-effective option or the one that is best equipped to support the requirements of modern corporate travel. You now have access to a wider selection of service providers as a result of the proliferation of digital travel management companies.

Keeping this in mind, let’s investigate several of the most reputable corporate travel companies that the state of Michigan has to offer in order to find the best business travel management service for your needs:

#1 – TravelPerk

Business travel has been consolidated into a single, all-encompassing platform by TravelPerk in order to improve the overall quality of the travel management experience for corporate travelers and travel managers alike. TravelPerk is loaded with a massive inventory to assist in the management of all aspects of business travel. The software is trusted by thousands of businesses around the world to support various travel programs, such as domestic and international travel, and it is used to support travel on a global scale.

You will have the ability to easily, efficiently, and effectively manage your travel program thanks to the powerful features offered by the platform. In the role of travel manager, visibility is of the utmost importance. Because of this, TravelPerk ensures that there is complete transparency and control over all business trips taken by employees. Utilizing some of TravelPerk’s most important features and services, such as those listed below, can help you streamline the processes involved in managing travel for your entire company.

• The largest inventory of corporate travel options available anywhere in the world; search for the lowest fares and rail fares available, book flights, trains, hotels, and car rentals. Manage your entire travel program all in one place.

• FlexiPerk allows you to cancel any part of your business travel arrangements up to two hours before your trip, hassle-free, with just one click, and with no questions asked. FlexiPerk is included at no additional cost. Plus, you will receive an eighty percent reimbursement in the form of credit on the site.

• Human support available day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the event that a situation arises that requires assistance during your trip. Don’t get stuck talking to bots or automated answering machines; avoid that situation at all costs.

• TravelCare will provide you with the most recent information regarding travel safety for each trip. You will be notified of any changes that may influence your planned travel up until the time of departure, giving you ample time to make any necessary adjustments to your itinerary.

• Receiving fast invoices after making a reservation for a work trip thanks to centralized billing. If you want to remain on top of your billing at any moment, you can get personalized reports that include all traveler charges.

• Expense reports that are simple and updated in real time • Track data on travel spending in real time, with the data being broken down by team, project, date, location, and more In order to facilitate efficient reporting, you can set up notifications to get travel-related information in advance.

• Integrated travel policy and approval processes enables you to easily create and personalize the workflows for travel policy and approval that are suited for your business. Simple to erect, and equally simpler to roll away after use. Conduct tests and make adjustments as you go.

• GreenPerk: Develop a sustainable travel policy and encourage your workforce to modify their travel habits by providing them with incentives to do so, with the goal of reducing the emissions caused by business travel and offsetting those emissions.

• Integration with third-party software – Access a suite of third-party applications or build your own personalized integrations so that TravelPerk fits seamlessly into the way that your company does business.

• Events management – A one-stop destination for managing meetings and events travel that is perfect for event managers, saving them time and providing them with the tools to operate events more effectively. This feature is ideal for managing meetings and events.

The acquisition of Nextravel, a business travel company established in the United States, by TravelPerk gives the company a footprint in North America. This acquisition works to complement TravelPerk’s robust corporate travel inventory. This is the perfect opportunity for travel managers in the state of Michigan who are looking to work for a corporate travel company.

#2: Conlin Travel

Conlin Travel, headquartered in Ann Arbor and boasting 60 years of experience in the field of corporate travel management, provides what it calls “proactive program management” to assist clients in better aligning their business travel with their strategic operations.

In particular, they assist businesses in the development of a travel program that is both scalable and environmentally responsible. Their mission is to improve the quality of travel for customers while simultaneously fulfilling the requirements of the firm.

The following are some of the most important aspects of the services provided by Conlin Travel:

• Management of strategic travel programs to control spending on travel, implement appropriate technological solutions, and pinpoint areas for improvement

• Travel policy compliance

• Reporting at the user’s whim

• Savings program

• A platform for making travel reservations online

• Supplier negotiations

When it comes to providing services for contemporary business travel, Conlin Travel’s portfolio is weak in a number of key areas, despite the company’s extensive history in the corporate travel industry. Travelers do not have access to a human assistance system that is available around the clock because agents are only available between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm Eastern Time (ET), and any “out of hours support” they provide is subject to additional fees. In addition, as a result of collaborations with selected providers, their travel inventory is restricted.

#3 – Protravel

Traditional in nature, Protravel is a travel firm with offices in Grand Rapids, Michigan, that provides business travel services to corporations by contracting the work out to business travel agents. The reputation of the organization has been established on partnerships with all of the major airlines and hotels in the world, as well as access to over 60,000 hotels and more than 250 corporate travel agencies. They provide an excellent assortment of services, which include the following:

• Priority boarding, upgrades, negotiated pricing, and special airfares for VIP customers flying commercial airlines

• Assistance with Loyal Passenger and Airline Incentive Programs

• Preferred room pricing, VIP perks, and room upgrades when making hotel reservations

• Integration with very effective online booking solutions like Concur and Certify

• Advanced and specialized customized reporting for travel management

• Support for risk management via mobile itineraries, online traveler profiles, and other web tools

• Event management and travel

Although Protravel provides a wide variety of services, the company’s antiquated method of operation results in a number of restrictions when it comes to accommodating contemporary business travel needs. Because of its connections with approved providers, it only offers a limited selection of different travel options, which also means that it is not the most cost-efficient option.

The majority of its offerings are geared toward “luxury travel,” which lends them an air of exclusivity. In addition, there is a lack of access to help.

#4: Travel to the Motor City

BCD Travel has its headquarters in Southfield, Michigan, and one of its associate companies is called Motor City Travel. The platform is a technology-driven solution that provides today’s travel managers and business travelers with a range of interactive and intuitive travel management solutions to serve their needs.

The company’s multilingual corporate agents offer a combined 17 years of experience in the field of delivering services related to business travel, and they take a consultative approach to the management of corporate travel.

The following is a list of the most important aspects of the services provided by Motor City Travel:

• A newly built mobile app called AirPortal 360 has been designed for travel managers to use in order to manage corporate travel expenses, traveler security, unused tickets, traveler profiles, compliance, and more.

• MyTravel, an application that serves as a dashboard for commercial travelers

• The PolicyLogic interface, which is a solution for the formulation and enforcement of travel policies

• The ProfileLogic app is a remedy for the problem of managing traveler profiles.

• The Airtinerary app is a convenient means of saving and organizing travel itineraries.

• The SecurityLogic app, which was developed to monitor travelers and fulfill duty of care responsibilities

• AirSelect, which is used for flight planning and organization

• Automobile & Hotel re-check is a program that re-checks hotel and car rental costs automatically.

• 24-hour traveler help

Vacation packages for large groups

Although it is admirable that Motor City Travel is making an attempt to improve the travel experience by utilizing technology, none of the solutions provided by Motor City Travel are centralized, which means that the experience provided to users is fragmented. In order to piece together their vacation plans, travelers have to navigate amongst a wide variety of resources. Additionally, the portal has a very restricted selection of available flights and places to stay.

Why you should work with one of the most reputable business travel firms in Michigan

Corporate travel providers need to adopt a new strategy to accommodate the needs of modern business travelers. Finding a corporate travel firm in Michigan that is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and is open to new forms of technology is your best bet for the travel management needs of your organization in the years to come. Why? Because advancements in technology are what are driving the business travel market to reach new heights.

Travel management companies that make use of technology can assist you in expediting the planning of your trips as well as in streamlining the processes involved. In the end, you will be able to make smarter bookings, improve the efficiency with which you engage with your team to manage travel, and have access to vital data that conventional TMCs just are unable to provide.

This data is actionable, which means that you can rapidly find areas in which you can save time and money, improve the overall experience that travelers have, and still accomplish the objectives that you have set for your company.

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